Battlestar Galactica Character Sheet

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The reboot of the Battlestar Galactica series is an epic of the genre of classic science-fiction that follows the stories of the military and civilian crew of a nomadic train of space vehicles searching the galaxy for Earth after their homeworld was destroyed by the Cylons, protected.

Here’s a bunch of resources for the Battlestar Galactica RPG that I’ve come up with over the course of or campaign.

Using a combination of the RPG book background, the retcon information is using from Caprica, tweets from Serge Graystone, and bits from my own campaigns, here’s a new take on the Twelve Colonies. And here’s the 12 Colonies Guide with alterations based on the upcoming Quantum Mechanix maps.

Based on the Uniform Code of Military Justice from the US military, here’s the Colonial Articles of War. And here’s a post to give people an idea of how life on a battlestar is likely to be.

A few Cylon ground vehicles (come one…you know they had to have ’em!) The assumption here was that they modified colonial equipment for their own purposes. I borrowed the way-cool motorcycle terminator thingees for our campaign, as well.

And on the other side, Colonial military vehicles…

Here is a post with quick and dirty fleet-level combat rules for those that want a bit more structure to your big battles, and also an expanded set of rules to add more crunch to damage in space combat. And some ideas on repairing said damage… Here are some spacecraft construction “rules” for Battlestar Galactica. Magix video pro x5 mp4 serial killer.

To go with that, here’s a posting with my take/correction to the core book’s specifications for Cylon Ships. In addition to correction some of the misprints from the book, I’ve added my take on the Resurrection Ship. Here’s my take on the Cylon War-era basestar and raider from Razor.

Here’s a few posts with Colonial Ships. Pegasus is a Mercury-class battlestar, and here’s ADM Cain to go with it. The Minerva-class is a favorite of mine. And here’s Argo, a sister to Valkyrie, Adama’s other on-screen command.

And what fleet would be complete without civilian vessels.

18 Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority all power of absolute rule in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Edwin louis cole books. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always remaining with you perpetually – regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion, even to the end of the age.”.

Here’s some stats on the Known Cylon Models (pre-Final Five revelations.) For our latest campaign, I heavily reworked the Cylons. Here’s our Cylons, or “The Twelve.”

I’ve been getting ready for a new campaign, so here’s a post with a bunch of ideas that might be of use in your game. It includes not just thoughts on the Colonial civilization, but ideas for improving the Cylons, and making the attacks more interesting.

A list of errata for the game compiled by Geoffrey Loggins.

  1. Hi !
    I’ve just bought the core book I’m sure your precious work will be a great help to me as a GM !
    I’ve read on your site that you had invented a second fleet, have you yet kept the original fleet from the series or completely banned it? What about the cylons? My players are all fans of the series and know the 12 models by heart, then they couldn’t pretend not to recognize, let’s say, a Leoben if I depict a NPC looking like him. I think I shall replace the 12 models by a new bunch of skin-jobs (even if it contradicts the series). It could also enable one (or more) of my players to play a cylon ( sleeping or not). What have you done on that cylon issue in your own campaign?

    Greetings from France

  2. Thanks for your reply, and your effort in French ! It’s indeed a good idea to let the players enjoy the sweetness of life and love, and then nuke all that ! It gives them something to blame the cylons for, and/ or a purpose : to rebuild somewhere else this lost paradise.
    Has any of your player ever wished or felt he/she might be a cylon?
    Keep up your great work, and tahnks again for that site !

  3. Just wanted to thank you for the materials you have posted as PDF here. They will be helpful to me running BSG games (although we’re playing it as a variant of d20 modern, so I already had to convert the Cortex rules over and make some appropriate character classes). I wanted to applaud your work here and was curious as to whether or not you had any maps you’ve used in the past for space shipyards that you would be willing to share.

    Thanks in advance 🙂

  4. Scott could you please explain some of the following traits (or do a write up) that I have seen you use in some of your write-ups. Such as: Slow Throttle, Fast Throttle, Difficult to Repair, NBC Hardened, Modified AI, Limited Scanning Angle, Stealthy. I find these traits interesting. Thank You.

  5. I’m enjoying playing in Scott’s BSG game, and have been busy making up my own BSG RPG props and resources. I’ve linked to them on my own blog at

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