Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Complete Torrent
Any would do, you just need to make 1 weapon for Mesa and forma it in such way that you only boost damage, multishot, critical chance and critical damaage. Nothing else, no status, no magazine, no rate of fire, no riven mods, nothing, just raw damage Fire rate is the most important stat for Mesa. Unsubscribe from KnightmareFrame? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Sign in to report inappropriate content. Sign in to make your opinion count. Sign in to make your opinion count. Akstilleto, Lex, and Aklex, Vasto, and Akvasto come to mind, akstilleto, lex, and aklex all having a primed version. One or all of the pistols listed above would work and look good in Mesa's hands. The primary weapon doesnt really matter, the best secondary is probably the dual toxocyst (because of the buff you get after a headshot), using gunslinger is always nice with mesa and you should definitely use crit chance and crit damage - power strength is also super important for mesa, you dont really need vigor or redirection since you have a 95% damage reduction. One of the strongest to go with the mods needed for Mesa would be the Lex Prime. Needs 6 forma tho, for the optimal build.
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