Mount And Blade Upgrade Tree
Apr 03, 2020 Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord Troop Trees The rank and nobility of the person selling you the soldier are directly proportional to the quality of the soldier and the better the soldier the higher.
From what I have seen, they follow almost identical trends as warband. Asarei have the best archers - Aserai master archers, Empire have the best cavalry (and I think the only faction with unique recruits that are jut cavalry)- which are the cataphracts and best heavy infantry as well in legionnaires, Sturgoi have the best anti-infantry - berserkers, vlandians have the best anti cavalry and anti heavy range - crossbowmen and pikemen, Khuzgians have the best archer cavalry, and batanions are a wild card. I'd say vlandians have the best army comp overall if you wanted a themed army as they have a great defensive line and some solid heavy cav. That's just what I've seen in my 15 hours of gameplay.edit - apparently battanians have the best archers so they may have unique recruits that are only archers ( i haven't seen any yet).
I am playing a Battanian run right now (probably stopping soon since Battania is almost gone).My front line is a mix of skirmishers and infantry, I have a group of falx shock troops, and I have a heavy group of battanian noble archers which shred everything.I try and get the archers up on a hill, and line the infantry up. I spread them out until the enemy gets close and then I form a shield wall. Falxmen move in, cavalry move in generally only as a last resort or to clean up broken formations. Film ayat cinta 2. The scouts aren't great. It seems like each faction's 'unique' tree is where their strongest units are. These are the only units (that I've found) that can get to tier 6.
I'm not sure how they perform personally, but the extra tier probably does mean something.Sturgia, Empire and Vlandia all have unique heavy cavalry. Cataphracts and Knights are both heavy shock cavalry, while the Sturgia's Druzhinnik champions seem more like heavy infantry that are on horses.Khuzait get heavy horse archers, the Khan's guard.Aserai have a tree that splits into either heavy cavalry or heavy infantry—the mameluks. The mameluks were bugged in the encyclopedia. Also the mameluks were heavy horse archers anyway, not heavy cavalry. Aserai's tier 6 are called the Vanguard Faris, which are heavy lancer cavalry with throwing weapons equipped.Battania's nobles go into foot archers.As with the other games though, lower tier units will outperform higher tier units in different areas of the game. Crossbowmen dominate sieges, and I'd expect the Empire or Vlandia's tier 5 crossbowmen to putperform Battania's tier 6 archers as pure marksmen there. On the other hand, the better equipment and skills might make them better on an open map fight, or in hand to hand combat.As for recruiting each faction's 'unique' tree, I have no idea how you're supposed to trigger it.
I only started seeing Vlandia's unique knights as a recruit option when I joined them. You can however find the bandit faction associated with the units you're trying to recruit, and turn them. They often for some reason promote into the unique tree than can get to tier 6. Right click on the bandit you're recruiting to see their tree if you're not sure. Just remember you'll need the disciplinarian perk to upgrade bandits into regular troops.