Puppet Pin Tool After Effects Cs6 Download

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If you want to follow along with this tutorial, feel free to follow the PNG I created of me, cut out from the background. Simply click.When animating your image, make sure you don't have a solid background. The Puppet tool will use the outline of your image (as defined by its alpha channel) to detect the shape of the 'puppet' and figure out how to animate it. If the cutout of me had a solid background, moving my arms would also warp/deform the background since After Effects could not determine where I end and the background starts. This is why it is important to have an alpha channel defined for your image and have your puppet properly cut out.

If the image had no alpha channel, the deformation mesh would simply cover the entire contents and any movement of the joints would simply deform the entire image - background included.To ensure you use the right Expansion value, you want the deformation mesh to fit tightly around the shape of your puppet, but not cut into it. If you lower the Expansion property by so much that it does not cover all of our puppet, moving the pins will leave a strange outline behind as shown in the following screenshot.

Adobe After Effects CS6 - Animating using Puppet Tool. The Basics of Character Animation (Rigging & Puppet Pin) After Effects Tutorial. Stream or download your favorite music Photoshop And Ae Animating With The Puppet Tool Playlist. All right, so I’m here to show you the Puppet Warp Tool and there’s some really cool tricks that you can do with this. I’ve got a girraffe here that I’d like to show you how you can move the legs, the neck, everything independently, like you’re operating a puppet.

Starting May 18th 2020, we’re running a to improve and develop new free and open source tools for motion pictures production.Duik is a comprehensive animation and rigging toolset for Adobe After Effects.It provides the main rigging tools, found in any 3Dsoftware, like IK, controllers, and bones, but adapts them to 2Danimation in After Effects. With Duik you can rig complex characters anduse advanced animation techniques usually used in 3D softwares.If you do not know what rigging means, it may be because it is a bit too soon for you to use those tools. Please refer to the section entitled Should I use Duik?Duik has plenty of animation tools too – managingkeyframes and interpolations, traditional animation, animation exposure,etc. – and automations too, like wiggle, spring, swing, wheel, etc.which allow you to animate more quickly and easily.Duik also has some other useful tools, such as camera controls, thatare not solely tied to animation but can be really useful for bothanimators and riggers.Duik’s comprehensiveness and ease of use have made it a script used in numerous movies across the world. User ExperienceThe goal of a tool like Duik is to make the life of animators (and riggers) easier.

The priority was to make Duik as easy to learn as possible, while keeping it very quick to use. The other important goal was to make the interface as small as possible,so it won’t take much place in the After Effects interface; we thinkit’s very important to be able to focus on the timeline and the viewportof the application, without any other tools interfering when you’reanimating.To achieve this, we’ve made Duik smarter. Almost all tools can be used in a single click, without any configuration step before, letting Duik make the best choice depending on what you’re doing, what are the selected layers, etc.Most of the rigging process can be reduced to two clicks in Duik Bassel! The Structures, a new rigging processTo make the rigging process easier and more versatile in After Effects, we’ve introduced the Structures which are very similar to bones or joints in 3D softwares.Structures are layers you can add in your composition whichwill drive the animations, like the rig of a real puppet. The process isvery simple: create or import your design in After Effects, add Structures and move them to the right spots (the pivots of each limb).

Then you can rig those Structures, instead of the design itself like in previous versions of Duik, and finally link the design layers to the corresponding Structure layers.This way, the rig you create is independant from the design.This means it’s easier to adjust the design even after the rig has beenmade, or even to re-use the same rig with other designs. Also, thisrigging process is easier to fix or change if ever you need to adjust iteven when you’re already in the process of animation.As Structures will become so much important in the rigging process,we’ve thought about the smartest and quickest way to create them, so weadded the ability to automatically create predefined Structures forstandard limbs, wether they’re for humans or animals. AnimationDuik is not only a tool for rigging, but includes everything you need to speed up your animation process.

There are tools to manage interpolations, to quickly select keyframes, to automatically smooth all the animations, to create traditionnal animation and to work with traditionnal animation, to reveal trajectories CamerasGood animation needs a good camera. The camera has to be consideredas one of the characters in the animation, and its motion has to be asdetailed as the animation of the characters the spectator can see in theimage.This is the reason why Duik has useful camera tools too, to help youto animate your cameras, to frame your shots, to import cameras fromother softwares. Import and exportAfter Effects might not be the only software you use in your animation pipeline. Duik comes with some tools to help you import and export assets to and from other softwares, like Krita, TVPaint, or Audition. Duik is also able to export animations (and the rigs, soon) to an open JSON format so that with just a bit of development you can use them in any other software or game engine.There is a great variety of things you can do with these interchangetools, and the list is constantly evolving with the creation of newpipelines and third-party softwares. Getting HelpAll of these features are a lot of stuff! Much to discover, much to learnWe won’t let you alone in the wild!

Support us!Our tools are free, as in free beer as well as in freedom.But unlike most of the free stuff you can find on the internet, there’s no advertising at all, and you are not the product here. We just work in a non-mercantile way,and consider sharing as a great value. It is important for us that Duikand our other tools are available for everyone, rich or poor, amateuror professionnal.

Because our greatest wish is to see great films, and we believe sharing and helping each other is the easiest way to make it come true.The difficult part is that developping, maintaining, distributing these tools is a lot of work and investment. The only funds we get for all of this are your kind contributions.There are two ways for sending your support: you can either send a one-time donation to Rainbox, or make a small but regular donation to, where you’ll be in direct contact with him and get an early and exclusive access to all the stuff he’s developping and working on.

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