Autodesk 3ds Max 2009 Material Library

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I'm setting up a material library with multiple multi-sub materials, one for each character. They will be sharing common nodes for skin tone, clothing tone etc. When save these materials to a material library and pull them back out again in another scene, these common nodes are no longer instanced.

Hi, so I have the 2015 version of max downloaded on my computer. Up till about a week ago it was working fine and everything. And then one day I turn my computer on and a bunch of my programs have stopped working.

But thankfully max was working fine and everything so I didnt' have to reinstall it (at that time) like I had to with many of my other programs. One thing that happened though, is that a big part of my material library went missing.

I noticed this when I tried to render my scene, and the mirrors in the scene instead of showing reflections were just black. I then checked my materials to see if something was up, and sure enough that particular material was giving an error message and that it couldn't be found. And on further inspection a lot of the materials in the material library had disappeared as well. I've tried googling a solution to this to no avail.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling max, and even installed the new version, neither of which made a difference.I did find something on the autodesk website though:Although for the life of me I can't figure out how to get to those files. Mgk black flag download 320kbps. I'm at a loss at how to get my materials back. If anyone could help me with this, that'd be great!