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Hackmaster Part II: Khan Strikes The Chamber Of Secrets Back When Last We Left Our Intrepid Hero ProtagonistOK! Welcome to Part II of my Hackmaster 5e character creation walkthrough! Now with more exclamation points! For those of you who missed So, click the underlined part back there. Unless you’ve got your browser set funky so you can’t see links, in which case, you’re on your own.Anyway, I had just finished adjusting my stats, and I was going to spend those lovely BPs I’d been hoarding.

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I had 59 left. Step 7: Priors And ParticularsOh, this isn’t about spending BPs. It’s about how much you weigh, that sort of thing. There’s some excellent advice in this section about how to use your background and history to create a rich and full character for roleplaying. Nah, I’m just messin’ with ya. There’s some excellent advice in this section about how to use your background and history to pull some sort of life-saving bullshit out of your ass (hmmm that’s a disturbing mental image) when you really have to.Age: I’m a human mage, so, my starting age is 25+1d6p.

I roll a 5, so, 30.Height: 71 inches.Weight: “Unlike inferior games that utilize an uncorrelated table to determine a character’s body weight” I just had to copy that in. See, that’s attitude. That’s old school. (I just picked up Chivalry & Sorcery Sourcebook I, circa 1980, and it contained a long rant about “other game designers” (i.e., Gary Gygax) who abused mythology and lore when creating their substandard and inaccurate monsters, blahdy blahdy blah. That’s part of what the OSR is missing. There was none of this ‘if everyone’s having fun, it’s all good’ attitude back then.

The gaming community was, if anything, even more fractious and self-righteous in the late 1970s/early 1980s than it is now. We didn’t need no Internet to be assholes back then. But I digress.) Anyway, first I roll for my BMI, which turns out to be 21.

The I multiply this by my height in inches, so, 1491. Then I scold my cat for pawing all my dice off my desk and sticking his orange butt in front of my screen.

He’s actually scooping dice out of the plastic container so he can roll them onto the floor, where I can step on them and do the Dance Of The Spastic Cat Owner. I love my children. I divide 1491 by 703. No that, can’t be right. Oh, I multiply BMI by height squared. Stop it, Rocket.

Daddy can’t see the screen when you do that. OK, there we go. I weigh 150 lbs.Handedness: I assume two, but who knows? Yeah, that was pushing it. Right handed.

Oddly, half-orcs have an 80 percent chance to be left handed, perhaps because they’re sinister.Birth: I have a 1-in-10 chance of being illegitimate. Both my parents are still alive. My father was indifferent to me (-2 BP) but my mother loved and nurtured me (+2 BP).Siblings: I have 6 siblings, 4 sisters and 2 brothers, but three of them are dead.

So, two surviving sisters and 1 surviving brother. None of them are twins of me. Of the four of us, I’m third-born. I’m also the second-born son, so, not an heir. I have, thus, an older sister and brother, and a younger sister. I now roll 2d12 (Why? Why not?) and add the Morale modifier (+1) from my Charisma, to see how much they like/dislike me.

Older Sister: Argumentative, can’t get along. Older Brother: Very close. Younger Sister: Ditto.I Can Spendz Bild Pointz Naow?Yes! Can spendz!Sorry. I was just reading the Fark Caturday thread.

Now, where was I? Build pointz er. As I recall, I had 59 BP left. I now go to Chapter 8, Quirks And Flaws, or “How To Be An Annoying Prat At The Game Table And Then Justify It With ‘But I’m Just Playing My Character!'

”.Quirks are mental/personality issues, while Flaws are physical detriments. That’s a nice distinction, and more flavorful than “Mental Disads” and “Physical Disads”, for example.If I cherry-pick what’s wrong with me, I earn fewer BPs, but I have a lot more control over my character. I’m going whoring for BPs. I can spend a BP to re-roll, as often as I like, until I run out. With 59 BPs to blow through, I shouldn’t be saddled with anything so crippling my character is unplayable as a mage.Random rolls on the chart are D1000.

Hey, this allows a really high level of granularity, which I love. It means there are, in theory, quirks/flaws that will be in less than 1% of the player base (unless the chart has no ranges less than 10, of course). I need to write down which die is read as what OK, the dark brown one is the “ones”, the light ten one is the “tens”, and the speckled one is the “hundreds”.You get full BPs for the first quirk/flaw rolled, then -5 for each additional one, cumulative. This means that you could theoretically end up losing BPs while still being saddled with the drawbacks. Greed is punished in Hackmaster.A roll of 156 gives me “Clean Freak”.

Basically, I am the Felix Unger, or perhaps Adrian Monk, of mages. I go into panic attacks if I am forced to enter sewers. While this is a little problematic for an adventurer, it sounds like it would be a lot of fun to play.

Also, the “metagaming” section notes I must begin each game session with a pristine character sheet. Heh.So, do I want to go again, at a -5 penalty to the BPs? Sure, why not?582 gives me Spendthrift. I spend my money as soon as I get it. This nets me 20 BP, -5 for the second quirk, so, 15. I think I’ll stop there.

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That’s an additional 23 BPs, on top of my 59, for 82, total.Now, I purchase Skills, Talents, and Proficiencies, or STPs, not to be confused with STDs. Weapon ProficienciesAs a mage, I can purchase any weapon proficiency, but at double cost, except for staff and dagger. While it might make sense to invest in melee for emergencies, each point in this area is a point I’m not spending on things that could help me avoid melee in the first place, so I will go for a minimal proficiency in dagger, which costs me 2 BP.

I will also pick up crossbow, at double cost, for 4 BP, so, 76 left. OtherAs a mage, I get the Magical Transcription proficiency for free. You know, this character doesn’t have a name, yet. He needs a name. Coracinus Nelumbo, I think, or “Corac” for short. He also gets a free purchase of Arcane Lore and two purchases of literacy in my native language.Maintenance/Upkeep, for 5 BP.

As a neat freak constantly polishing my staff (heh heh), this makes sense. 71 left.Style Sense (home region): 2 BP. I know how what’s in this year, and what’s not. I look classy. 69 left.Combat Casting: This allows me full defense when casting in melee, something that’s quite vital.

It’s 30 BP, but that’s part of why I’ve hoarded them. 39 left.Diminish Spell Fatigue, which lets me recover from casting more quickly, also looks good, but it’s another 20 BP. Let’s see what skills cost, first, then get back here.Appraisal (Books, Maps, Scrolls): 2 BP gets me my Intelligence score (15)+my mastery die roll (d12p, for 7, +2 for my intelligence), or 23.

I’ll spend another 2BP for another roll of the mastery die, a 3, +2 again, so, 28.4 BP spent, down to 35 BP.Arcane Lore: I get the first purchase for free, and my mastery die roll is an 8, +2 for Intelligence, so, 25. A second purchase would be 10 more BP. Let’s get back to this, too.Let’s see.

Astrology (2 BP) (Score ends up being 23). Escape Artist (4 BP) (Score 21). Hiding (6 BP) (Score 26). Literacy (2 levels free, plus a third for 4 BP) (Score 47 — I rolled a 12 on the mastery die, which got me another roll.). Monster Lore (5 BP) (Score 27). Riddling (4 BP) (Score 23)That leaves me with 10 BP left.

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I can save it, or get that other rank in Arcane Lore. Let’s go for it.

Mastery die is 6, +2 for my high Intelligence, so 8, added to my existing score of 25, gives me 33.That’s it for STPs. Hit PointsHit points are based on my Constitution (8), my size bonus (10), and my class Hit Die roll (D4 roll, I roll a 1.

Yeah, that seems familiar.), for a total of 19 HP. Other NumbersMy Base Attack is based on my Intelligence and Dexterity, which gives me a +4 (Go back to the first part of this article to see why!).

My Base Initiative is +2, which is bad (the higher the number, the slower you act), and my Base Defense is also +2, which is better than nothing (high numbers are good for defense).I have 45 sp to spend on stuff. And SoWe’re done!With 19 hp to my name, I can take a small amount of damage — a goblin with a crossbow does 2d6p, for example.While I’ve got some mildly useful spells, the only one with even a marginal combat application is Phantom Irritation, which is a “debuff” — it gives the target a -2 to his Attack rolls.

Not useless, but hardly a Nuclear Winter Fireball.It should be noted that the combat rules, which are straightforward but not simplistic or abstract, are demonstrated through a comic-strip sequence featuring the Knight Of The Dinner Table stupidly goading BA into unleashing more monsters on them. It’s probably one of the best examples of combat I’ve seen, because it goes through every step, roll, and calculation in action, and does so in a way that’s fun and amusing to read. If I’m not mistaken, it actually continues the story from Hackmaster Basic, which used the same method.As I said in the first part, this Hackmaster, while not as over-the-top gonzo as the prior edition, still retains a lot of humor.

It’s just less in-your-face. You have to read the spell text, quirk and flaw descriptions, and so on, to find all the jokes and asides. (You can also tell, by reading some of the full text, what kinds of lame-ass exploits players attempted to get away with, and how they were smacked down by their GM.)In conclusion? Unlike a lot of the more dubious games I perform this process on, there’s not a lot of head scratching, “what were they thinking?” moments, at least not for this particular character. Characters begin with mediocre skills and abilities, but that’s by explicit, called-out, design. There’s no disconnect between the promised game and what the mechanics deliver, and that’s a really good thing.

I do admit I miss a lot of the “gonzo” of HM 4e, even if some of it was forced in by mandate; the wider range of races available, the more outre class choices, and so on, were a lot of fun. Mechanically, there’s not much that can stop you from adding such things in.

Casters, in general, are very toned down in HM 5e. You have incredibly potent spells at high level, true, but you don’t get a lot of spells to cast at any one time, and the road to high level is going to be a very long slog, indeed.Also, there’s no Game Master’s Guide yet for Hackmaster, and given that it took several years from Hackmaster Basic for the PHB to come out, I’m not betting on the GMG being at GenCon 2013. There’s a lot of material in the PHB that refers to the GMG, too.

This brings back something truly old-school — it took three years for the three core AD&D books to come out. Yes, kids, three years. We cobbled together rules from OD&D and Holmes Basic and Dragon articles and Arduin. So get offa my lawn!

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