Swami Charitra 21 Adhyay
Nov 25, 2019 App include whole SWAMI CHARITRA / SHRI SWAMI SAMARTH CHARITRA SARAMRUT. So it can be easily available for swami Sevak. This small effort and purpose is only you can read Swami Leela/Swami Samarth Charitra Saramrut easily and get bless. Go ahead and download the app and get yourself involved in Shri Swami Samarth parayan and get blessings. Adhyay 8 for Birth of a Wise and Intelligent Child, Adhyay 14 for Solving Employment Problems, Adhyay 17 for Development of Childrens, Adhyay 18 for Financial well being, Adhyay 20-21 for Ghost or Bhoot Preta Badha, Adhyay 10 and 38 for Financial Upliftment, Adhyay 13 and 45 for Health related Problems, etc.Contents of Shri Guru Charitra:Shri.
Visit Swami Samarth:Prepare your mind for Swami Samarth upasanaWhat is upasana?' Upasana' in Sanskrit means 'Sitting near', normally the term is associated to denote a prescribed method for approaching God or getting close to the God.On this site I have mentioned on many pages that Karma cannot be changed. If thatis true then what is the use of doing any upasana? What is the use of the God thatcannot help his devotees? Fortunately for us, God is biasedtowards those who worship him with a pure mind.
Swami WILL removeobstacles in the path andWILL help those who can do hisBhakti with Viveka (discrimination & wisdom) and Vairagya (dispassion). Here is the detail answer:Most Important: What is the objective of your Upasana?You CAN use this Upasana to resolve the following types of problems:Severe illness, financial problems, extended Joblessness, no marriageafter several years of efforts, no child after several years of marriage, courtproblems and any severe issue that we generally call as “Sankat”.Please note: your problem will NOT be solved with 3 days of Upasana. You will justget some kind of confirmation of Swami’s presence behind you.
Once you get that,you should continue and Seva until the problem is resolved. The actualresolution of your problem may take several months to several years (depending onthe strength of bad patch of Karma that is causing the problem.) Stronger the Karma,the more efforts and faith will be required to overcome the problem.DO NOT use this Upasana for the following (God and Swami has no interest in thesethings) -Love relationship, to earn wealth, to earn better than current job,for better exam results etc.Preparation for upasanaFirst of all, read following page carefully before starting Swami upasana. This will give your mind a basic spiritual foundation that is extremely necessary before you start the upasana. Understanding the logic and science behind Swami upasana effort is absolutely essential.Please understand: the success of this effort fully depends on the intensity of prayers you can generate. Chances of your success are very high if you can generate high intensity prayer and maintain atmosphere of extreme purity during the 3 days of upasana.DO NOT start this upasana if you are not sure of strictly following the DOs and DONTs given below. DO NOT start immediately after reading the pages on this site.
You should do good amount of reading about Swami Samarth through books or Internet. If you live in Maharashtra you will have lot of Swami Samarth literature available everywhere. Try to read Swami Samarth Charitra (especially his chamatkar or leela or miracles). I recommend reading book named 'Swami Raja' by Leela Gole.
Such reading will give your mind the necessary confidence and level of faith required before starting upasana. Listen to and understand the meaning of Swami Tarak Mantra. Listen to this Tarak Manatraover and over again untill your faith in Swami reachesto required level.Important: The day you start the upasana you should not have any doubt about presence of Swami Samarth around you. You cannot be focused if you have doubts in mind about the entire upasana effort.You must maintain utmost purity of body and mind during your Swami prayers for 3 daysKeys to success.Highest level of faith in Swami Samartha and his promise - “Fear Not I am with you” – Swami Samarth.Your mind should be focused on objective - that you want to come out of trouble you are facing and you are doing the upasana with this and this objective only.There should not be any feeling of guilt that you are seeking God’s help to solve problems in your life. Rest assured, there is nothing wrong in asking divine help if all your efforts have failed.
There are times in the life when God’s door should be knocked.You must carry confidence that swami will respond to your call.Ability to generate prayer/call with highest intensity (energy flux behind your prayer should be to maximum of your ability).Utmost purity of body, mind and atmosphere at home during upasana period. Same approach by family members will help enormously.These are the key factors and if you can bring all of them together during these 3 days I am sure YOU WILL experience Swamis miracle yourself.Prepare your family for the eventYour immediate family members should be aware about your efforts. Participation by family members is not required but they should help towards maintaining atmosphere of purity and food at home. Only one person should be entirely focused on the event.In case cooperation by family members is not available I shall suggest you go to nearest Shri Swami Samarth math few hours in the evening.Rules you must follow during the 3 days of Swami Samarth upasanaAll activities that increase your concentration and focus of mind are encouragedDOsList of things you should DO during these 3 days.If you are a student or have a job or business - you must continue it as usual. Do not take any break for this upasana.
If your usual time of collage/work/business is between 8-5, you should do those hours but do not take extra responsibility after these regular hours. All other times in 3 days should be completely devoted for Swami Samarth upasana.If you have a Swami Math somewhere close to your place, you should try to visit it at least once a day. Doing Seva of about an hour at the Math will be extremely helpful in your objective.Food: Fasting is not required and should be avoided at the same time keep overall food intake at lower levels. Keep sattvik diet during this period.
Preferred food items: Fruits, milk, butter milk, curd-yogart, ghee should be consumed morethan other foods. Avoid spicy food.Maun Vrata: Maintaining silence for 3 days (no talking to anyone for 3 daysif possible).
If complete maun vrata is not possible try to keep level of talkingto absolutely minimum level. Talk only when it is absolutely essential, and avoid the talk that may not be necessary. In these 3 days keep reading this page again & again. That will give you requiredstrength in your effort.All activities that can create diversion should be completely avoided.DONTsWhat you should NOT DO during these 3 days?.Absolutely No eating meat and eggs (It should not be even maintained in the house in case you/your family eat meat other times) and preferably 1 month before upasana period.Absolutely no liquor/alcohol and soft drinks etc. During these 3 days and preferably 1 month before the upasana period.Absolutely No watching TV during this period. (If someone can watch TV that indicates the issue is not serious enough to do such an effort).
![Swami Swami](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/S2vy254pilc/hqdefault.jpg)
Not listening to songs other than listed below.No meetings with friends and extended family visits etc.No appointments/shopping etc. Other than your job/business and most essential activities.No eating of onion and garlic.Not going to hotels, parties or any other social events.Avoid working extra hours (for job, business, study etc.) If you feel you may be required to work extra hours you should not start upasana during days of such possibility.Swami Upasana for 3 daysIf you have seriously followed the above DOs and DONTs then you have done 90% the upasana preparation. The remaining part is not too complex.Before you start the upasana listen to various at least once until you catch the rhythm of the Japa (repetition of Swami's naam mantra) in your mind. Important - Getting the rhythm in your mind will help you focus your mind more quickly and in consistent manner.Here are the steps you should follow during all 3 days of Swami upasana.Below are Swami Samarth First original photos taken by Kodak photographer (read ) and some paintings of Swami.
Keepany of these Swami Samarth photos or paintings (the one you like the most) in your Puja place (preferably facing east). These were touched and worn by Swami himself. Keep any of these Paduka photos in your Puja place (preferably facing east). Or you can visit the Paduka photo page frequently if you cannot print copy of it. Worship these Padukas (just by staring at them) as many times as you can during these 3 days.Perform Swami puja all 3 days (early in the morning after bath) and sit before Swami Samarth photo, Paduka Photo in the morning for at-least 10 minutes.Before you start your Swami Puja tell Swami about the objective of your upasana (resolution of your particular problem in the life).Do Swami Samarth Naam Japa (for as long as you can while you are doing the meditative sitting) – The Japa is 'Maharaj Shri Swami Samarth Jai Jai Swami Samarth, Shri Swami Samartha Jai Jai Swami Samarth!!'
.Repeat the same process in the evenings.The longer the Japa you do the more it will help the purpose you are doing the upasana.Most important: Listen to Swami Tarak Mantra during these 3 days over and over again. Continue doing Swami Naam Japa (or )throughout the 3 days along with your request to Swami to help you. Japa must continueduring your work/study also. It can be done in mind when you are with other people.When you are alone you should do it loud (so that you can clearly heat it.) Youmind will try to divert to worldy matters, but you must continue to bring it backwith Japa.
I agree it is not possible but I would say you should do continuous NaamJapa for 24 hours each day.Those who can generate highest intensity prayers (call to Swami to help you) during 3 days will certainly receive some confirmation of Swami’s help to you. This confirmation will help you further to carry your prayers to Swami until the problem is fully solved.If your upasana effort succeed:Your problem will NOT be solved with 3 days of Upasana. You will just get some kindof confirmation of Swami’s presence behind you. When you get a confirmation thatyour efforts are succeeding, then you should continue Swami Bhakti by reading Swami Charitra (daily), doing Swami Naam Japa and daily visits/Seva(service) at Swami Samarth Math near your place. Visit page and try to follow practical instructions given in that. Try doing Naam Japa whenever you can ('Maharaj Shri Swami Samarth Jai Jai Swami Samarth, Shri Swami Samartha Jai Jai Swami Samarth!!' )You should continue Swami Bhakti and Seva until the problem is resolved.The problems you face in the life are because of.
The actual resolution of your problem may take severalmonths to several years (depending on the strength of bad patch of Karma that iscausing the problem.) Long term upasana is to clean those bad karmas effects (which are deeply ingrained in your subtle or spiritual body). Stronger the Karma, themore efforts and faith will be required to overcome the problem. Read more about.God (Swami) is rightly said to be very kind even though he is stern in punishingthe wrong-doers and sinful persons with merciful intention to improve them.
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